Category Archives: How To

Edit images online with Photoshop Express

You can now make simple corrections to your image using Photoshop even if you don’t have one. Photoshop’s online Express Editor is super easy to use. Upload a photo from your computer to operate on. Select a tool in the sidebar, and instructions will appear at the top of the window telling you what to do. Then save the image back to your computer.

Happy editing !!

How To : Fold a fitted sheet

Have you find it difficult to fold a fitted sheet to a perfect square/rectangle? Well, I have.

I have this ‘thing’ whereby I’ll make sure semua kain baju dlm wardrobe tu, semua dilipat sama saiz *kalau boleh laa*. Semua ni disebabkan ‘trauma’ masa zaman boarding school dulu :p ..

Kat sekolah dulu, every Saturday afternoon, we have to go through a spot check session by the prefects & wardens. Pagi2 buta kita semua kena kemas dorm, basuh kain baju, jemur baju, iron uniform, sapu & lap apa2 yg patut, patong kuku and make sure everything is spick-and-span *dgn background radio station pilihan –, mmg bersemangat! *.

Prefects & wardens will check windows – tak bleh ada habuk walau sebesar kuman, katil mesti tegang-setegang nya – sampaikan kalau dicampak duit syiling kena melantun balik, kuku pun diorang check jugak *kejam.. hihihi*  & kain baju kat dlm cupboard yg comel tu, semua mesti dilipat sama saiz. Klau semua piawaian tak ditepati, akibatnya kena denda lah.. Wahai pengawas2 skolah, kau telah men’traumatized’ kan diri ku hehehehe..

So, to fold a fitted sheet to a perfect square/rectangle sangat laa mencabar. But, I found this entry from MarthaStewart which i think is very helpful. Selamat mencuba 🙂 !

How to:

1. With the sheet inside out, place one hand in each of two adjacent corners.

2. Bring your right hand to your left, and fold the corner in your right hand over the one in your left, so the corner on top is right side out. Next, reach down and pick up the corner that is adjacent to the one that was in your right hand (it will be hanging in front), and fold it over the other two; this third corner will be inside out.

3. Bring the last corner up, and fold it over the others so it is right side out.

4. Lay the sheet flat, and straighten it into the shape shown above.

5. Fold the two edges in, folding the edge with elastic in first, so all elastic is hidden.

6. Fold the strip into a smaller rectangle.

7. Continue folding until rectangle is the size you want.

note: directions made for a right-handed person; if you are a “leftie” then use the hand opposite the one suggested above

image via Martha Stewart